Arthritis sufferers need exercise

Source: IrishHealth.com

March 26, 2012

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  • New research has shown that many people with arthritis are failing to take the necessary exercise that can help their condition.

    A new study conducted by Arthritis Ireland has found that nearly two out of three people with arthritis avoid regular activity due to high levels of pain or from fear of worsening their condition.

    According to Arthritis Ireland, this is despite the fact that scientific evidence shoes that exercise can play a vital role in controlling the symptoms of arthritis.

    The support group has launched a 'Get Your Joints in Motion' campaign to encourage people with arthritis to take gentle exercise to help manage their condition.

    The campaign culminates in a 'Get Your Joints in Motion' walk in the Phoenix Park on May 5.

    The Arthritis Ireland survey also showed that walking is the most popular exercise among people with arthritis who take exercise, with 50% of those who are active describing it as their physical activity of choice.

    It was found that fitness and reducing joint pain were the two biggest motivators for exercise among those with arthritis who are active.

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