'Glove could transform arthritis treatment'

Source: IrishHealth.com

March 15, 2012

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  • An electronic glove that could transform the way arthritis is diagnosed and treated is currently being developed by an Irish company.

    The electronics firm Tyndall, based in Cork, is working with engineers from the University of Ulster to create the glove which will be able to measure hand stiffness and movement when worn by patients.

    When the product is developed further, it is expected that the glove could replace the current labour intensive ways in which patients' progress with arthritis is recorded and may ultimately lead to better treatment, as well as savings for health services.

    Current measurement techniques for arthritis such as X-rays, or manual evaluation, such as vision and touch,  are very dependent on training and experience and results can vary widely between those doing the tests.

    "If patients are to receive the care needed to manage their condition and doctors given the time to assess their condition thoroughly more accurate and less laborious methods to record joint movements are needed," Kevin Curran of the University of Ulster said.

    The 'data' glove, for which there is now a wearable prototype, includes pressure rotation sensors on the thumb, single pressure sensors on each fingertip and bend sensors on the finger joints.

    "Patients will be able to wear the glove at home and this would allow joint stiffness to be dynamically monitored," Mr Curran's colleague, Joan Condell, explained.

    "The rate of movement of joints at different times of the day can be measured offline from the clinic. This will help quantify and better understand 'early morning stiffness' which is almost universal in patients with inflammatory arthritis."

    "The system will also be able provide a live 3D stimulation model of joint movement programmed with finger exercises to help with rehabilitation, which will assist clinicians assess the quantifiable benefits of the exercise programme."

    The glove is being tested in patients at Altnagelvin hospital, Co Derry, in a study being led by rheumatologist Dr Philip Gardiner. The designers claim it has many other possible applications beyond arthritis.

    These may include rehabilitation after hand injuries.

    A spokesperson for the support group Arthritis Ireland said: "The most important thing in achieving good patient outcomes is early intervention, so any diagnostic tool that can expedite this process is most welcome. What makes this news even more positive is the fact that the data glove is being created by Irish engineers and an Irish electronics company."

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