Unhappy workers more likely to get back pain

Source: IrishHealth.com

April 27, 2012

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  • If you are unhappy in your work you are more likely to suffer from back pain, according to a new study.

    Arthritis Ireland, commenting on the findings, said they provide fiurther evidence that a positive attitude is a major part of chronic pain management.

    Researchers in Australia showed that one in three workers studied developed long-term back pain that affected their work and social lives, even though most of them did not have a clear physical cause of their condition such as a 'slipped disc.'

    It was also found that workers who felt they were in an unsatisfactory job were more likely to report persistent low back pain than those who were happier in their work.

    The researchers from the University of Western Australia said positive thinking about your job can have a major impact on back pain.

    For example, if an employee can take part in change in the workplace or have a say in the structure of their work they can gain a positive additude and the back pain may actually correct itself.

    In addition, having someone at work to provide emotional support and advice can also lead to happier working conditions and can lessen the incidence of back pain, the researchers suggested.


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