Precision medicine shows potential in managing gestational diabetes

An international report identifies genetic risk classification as a promising area for clinical implementation of precision medicine in the management of type 1 diabetes

Max Ryan

October 5, 2023

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  • Precision medicine shows potential in managing gestational diabetes, according to a recently published consensus report that counts Trinity College researchers among its authors.
    The application of precision medicine in diabetes prevention and care offers hopeful prospects for reducing complications and fatalities, according to John Nolan, executive committee member of the Precision Medicine in Diabetes Inititative and adjunct professor in the Department of Clinical Medicine, Trinity College.
    In type 1 diabetes prevention, the report identifies genetic risk classification as one of the most promising areas for immediate clinical implementation. There is potential to provide immune interventions for those at highest risk of disease progression, the report states.
    Prof Nolan defines precision medicine as “an approach that uses person-level information to help minimise error in medical decisions and health recommendations”. The goal is to improve health outcomes, cost-effectiveness and health equity, according to the report.
    The report comes from an international collaboration of more than 200 academics in 28 countries and highlights opportunities for the immediate or near-term adoption of precision diabetes medicine in clinical practice, while also emphasising the critical knowledge gaps that must be addressed.
    The report was published in Nature Medicine.
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