External Links
Useful links for health professionals
(Irishhealthpro.com provides external links as a service, but linking does not imply endorsement)
National bodies - Ireland
Department of Health www.dohc.ie
Department of Health news site healthupdate.gov.ie
Food Safety Authority www.fsai.ie
Safefood www.safefood.eu/
Health Information and Quality Authority www.hiqa.ie
Heath Service Executive www.hse.ie
Health Service Executive Immunisation www.immunisation.ie
Mental Heath Commission www.mhcirl.ie
Health Protection Surveillance Unit www.hpsc.ie
Central Statistics Office www.cso.ie
Citizens Information www.citizensinformation.ie
Office of the Ombudsman www.ombudsman.gov.ie
National health complaints www.healthcomplaints.ie
Health and Safety Authority www.hsa.ie
Health Protection Surveillance Centre www.hpsc.ie/
Medical Training Bodies
Irish College of General Practitioners www.icgp.ie
Royal College of Physicians Ireland www.rcpi.ie
Royal College of Surgeons Ireland www.rcsi.ie
College of Anaesthestists of Ireland www.anaesthesia.ie
Irish College of Ophthalmologists www.eyedoctors.ie
College of Psychiatry of Ireland www.irishpsychiatry.ie
Faculty of Radiologists www.radiology.ie
Irish Postgraduate Medical Training Forum www.irishmedicaltraining.ie/
Medical Representative and Regulatory Bodies
Irish Medical Organisation www.imo.ie
Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation www.inmo.ie
Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland www.thepsi.ie
Irish Pharmaceutical & Healthcare Association www.ipha.ie
Medical Council www.medicalcouncil.ie
An Board Altranais www.nursingboard.ie
Dental Council www.dentalcouncil.ie
Opticians Board www.opticiansboard.ie
Irish Hospital Consultants Association www.ihca.ie
Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland www.rpii.ie
Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists www.iscp.ie
Health Research Board www.hrb.ie
Health and Social Care Professionals (CORU) www.coru.ie
Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council www.phecit.ie
Irish Rheumatology Health Professionals www.irhps.ie/
Healthcare Informatics Society of Ireland www.hisi.ie/
Pharma Bodies - Ireland
National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics www.ncpe.ie
Irish Medicines Board www.imb.ie
Irish Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Association www.ipha.ie
IPHA Medicines Compendium www.medicines.ie
Pharmaceutical Managers Institute www.thepmi.com
International Organisations
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control www.ecdc.europa.eu
Center for Disease Control and Prevention www.cdc.gov
World Health Organisation www.who.int
European Food Safety Authority www.efsa.europa.eu
European Medicines Agency www.ema.europa.eu/ema/
European Commission (Health) ec.europa.eu/eahc/
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) www.fda.gov
US National Cancer Institute www.cancer.gov
US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development www.nichd.nih.gov/
US National Institute on Aging www.nia.nih.gov/
US National Institutes of Health (NIH) www.nih.gov
NHS Direct www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk
WHO – Europe www.euro.who.int/
European Union of Medical Specialists www.uems.net
General interest
Mayo Clinic -- Disease & Conditions A-Z www.mayoclinic.com/health/DiseasesIndex/DiseasesIndex
National Institute of Child Health and Development (NICHD) www.nichd.nih.gov/health
Infertility Health Resources www.ihr.com
Irishhealth - Consumer health website www.irishhealth.com
Dontforget - Medicines Reminder - Ireland www.dontforget.ie
Rate My Hospital – Ireland www.ratemyhospital.ie
NetWellness www.netwellness.org/default.cfm
Healthfinder www.healthfinder.gov/
Familydoctor.org familydoctor.org/online/famdocen/home.html
MedlinePlus www.medlineplus.gov
Public Library of Science www.plos.org/
MedScape www.medscape.com/
CenterWatch/Clinical Trials Listing Service www.centerwatch.com/patient/drugs/drugdirectories.html
NLM Drug Portal druginfo.nlm.nih.gov/drugportal/drugportal.jsp
RxList-The Internet Drug Index www.rxlist.com
Quackwatch www.quackwatch.com/