Munster has best attitude to ageing


July 16, 2013

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  • When it comes to feelings about ageing, older people in Munster have the best attitude in the country, a new survey has found.

    More than 300 people over the age of 60 were asked how they felt about ageing. Those living in Munster scored the highest, with 66% stating that they feel positive about their mental and physical health, their appearance, their fitness levels and their outlook for the future.

    They were closely followed by people in Ulster (63%) and Leinster (61%).

    People in Connaught appeared to have a less positive attitude, with less than half (54%) stating that they felt positive about their health, appearance and outlook for the future.

    The survey also revealed that 85% of people over the age of 60 still considered themselves to be young. Over half said that they did not consider a person to be ‘old' until they had reached the age of 80.

    Meanwhile, at least eight in 10 of those surveyed insisted that their generation is proactive in managing their health.

    The survey was carried out in June and July By Empathy Research on behalf of Boots Ireland.


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