40% of adults have slapped a child

Source: IrishHealth.com

February 6, 2014

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  • A majority of Irish adults believe that slapping is not an effective way to discipline a child, however around 40% have admitted to resorting to this behaviour, a new survey has found.

    The survey was carried out on behalf of the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC) and the Children's Rights Alliance (CRA). Its aim was to investigate attitudes towards child discipline in this country.

    According to the findings, almost three in four adults do not see slapping as an effective discipline measure. However, two in five admitted to slapping a child in an attempt to discipline them, with 1% admitting that they slap often.

    The survey also revealed that at least six in 10 adults believe that it is already illegal to slap a child. However, this is not the case.

    "Currently, physical punishment of children by parents/legal caregivers, child-minders and foster parents is permissible in Irish law," noted Tanya Ward, CRA chief executive.

    She described this as ‘unacceptable' and called on the Government to remove the common law defence of ‘reasonable chastisement'. The survey revealed that almost six in 10 adults would support such a ban and the corporal punishment of children has already been banned in 34 countries worldwide.

    Also speaking about this issue, ISPCC director of services, Caroline O'Sullivan, emphasised that it is already known that slapping ‘is harmful, ineffective and has innumerable negative effects, such as increased aggression in children, increased antisocial behaviour and damage to the parent-child relationship'.

    "The survey findings indicate positive support for a ban on slapping children in Ireland. There is overwhelming evidence that slapping is ineffective in changing a child's behaviour and in fact has negative effects on children, adults, and society in general. Now is the time for the Government to step up and implement a ban on slapping in all settings without delay," Ms O'Sullivan insisted.

    This was backed up by ISPCC regional services manager, Tracey Monson, who noted that previous surveys involving children found that slapping can lead to ‘hurt, upset and confusion'.

    "Parents very often use slapping when they themselves are angry and this can lead to an increase in force beyond what was intended, which is a huge concern for the protection and welfare of children. Parents need support and information to assist them in disciplining children and dealing with the many developmental stages of their children," she pointed out.

    Two in three of the adults who were surveyed said that there is not enough information available to parents on alternative ways of disciplining.

    The ISPCC said it would like to see a ‘large scale positive parenting programme' put in place for this very reason.

    For more information on this issue from the ISPCC, click here


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