Abortion bill finally published

Source: IrishHealth.com

May 1, 2013

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  • The Government has finally published draft legislation to clarify the legal position on abortion where the mother's life is at risk.

    The Protection of Life in Pregnancy Bill allows for terminations when there is a real and substantial threat to the mother's life, including the threat of suicide.

    Where a physical illness threatens the mother's life, two doctors must certify that there is a real and substantial risk.

    Where there is a suicide risk, three doctors must unanimously decide whether an abortion is necessary - an obstetrician and a psychiatrist from the hospital involved, and another psychiatrist.

    If, under the assessment process, an abortion is refused, the case can go to a committee of three doctors, which must meet within seven days and report within another seven days.

    Following much confusion and contradiction over the past two weeks on the number of doctors to be involved in the abortion decision process, the planned legislation has broadly accepted proposals made in the Expert Group report presented to it late last year.

    The legislation makes provision for doctors and other health staff who have conscientious objections to taking part in abortions.

    The draft legislation drawn up after a lengthy Cabinet meeting, says terminations must be carried out in public maternity units, except in emergencies, when one doctor can approve an abortion.

    The legislation is intended to provide legal clarity on when abortions are permitted in the event of a real and substantial threat to a woman's life, in the wake of the 1992 X Case judgement and the more recent A, B, and C judgement of the European Court of Human Rights.








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