Asthma attacks increase in September


September 4, 2018

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  • September can be a ‘dangerous time' for children with asthma, with doctors tending to see a spike in hospital visits and admissions at this time of year, the Asthma Society of Ireland (ASI) has warned.

    It called on parents to make sure that their children know how to use their medicines properly, and understand why they must them even when feeling well.

    Over 177,000 children with asthma are heading back to school this month and according to the ASI, a combination of changing weather, an increase in colds and flu, and a new school or routine, can all have an impact.

    "September is a dangerous time for children with asthma. Doctors see a huge increase in asthma attacks and hospital admissions, especially in children just back to school.

    "An asthma attack is such a frightening experience, especially for young children and a huge worry for parents. On average, children with asthma miss 12 days of school each year because of the condition," explained the ASI's chief executive, Sarah O'Connor.

    According to respiratory consultant, Dr Marcus Butler, every year, there is an increase in the number of children being admitted to hospital for asthma after they return to school.

    "This is known as the September Asthma Peak - it's related to the increased exposure to viral infection that happens at this time of year. Viral infections like colds and flu are related to 85% of asthma exacerbations in school-aged children," he explained.

    He noted that some children are at increased risk if they failed to take their preventer medication regularly over the summer months.

    "This can sometimes happen because a child is feeling well in the warmer months. It's important to remember that preventer inhalers must be taken every day, as prescribed, to build up the protection in the airways that will keep asthma symptoms at bay.

    "Forgetting to take this inhaler for weeks or months and only resuming it a few days before school starts doesn't give the medicine enough time to build up and won't do a good job at preventing asthma symptoms," he pointed out.

    Dr Butler, who is also head of the ASI's medical advisory group, along with paediatric consultant, Dr Muireann Ni Chroinin, offered the following tips to help keep children with asthma well in September:

    -Parents and children often fall out of routine over the summer and asthma adherence can fall by the wayside. It is very important that during September families fall back into a full good asthma management routine
    -Do not send your child to school sick, as this will encourage the spread of viral infections
    -Taking inhalers should be a core part of the daily routine. It should become as natural as getting dressed or brushing your teeth
    -Discuss an Asthma Action Plan for your child with your doctor ahead of going back to school. It is important not to rely on reliever inhalers (usually blue) alone when children have asthma, as these cannot stop asthma symptoms from occurring and will not improve symptoms long term.
    -Older children and teenagers often require extra supervision and cannot be relied on to self-medicate independently. Systems should be put into place to ensure that they are taking their medication properly.

    The ASI also reminded people that an asthma attack is a medical emergency. In the event of an attack, follow the five-step rule:

    1. Stay calm. Sit up straight and do not lie down
    2. Take slow steady breaths
    3. Take one puff of your reliever (blue) inhaler every minute. Use a spacer if available. Those over six years of age can take up to 10 puffs in 10 minutes. Those under six can take up to six puffs in 10 minutes
    4. Call 999 if symptoms do not improve after 10 minutes
    5. Repeat step three if an ambulance has not arrived within 10 minutes.

    For more information on asthma, click here


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