Big jump in calls to Samaritans since 2014


April 12, 2016

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  • The helpline run by Samaritans Ireland has answered around 1.2 million calls since its number became free of charge two years ago.

    Samaritans Ireland is a volunteer-led charity, which provides confidential, non-judgmental emotional support, 24 hours a day, for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which could lead to suicide.

    Two years ago, the charity announced a partnership between it and Ireland's six largest telecommunications providers - eir, BT Ireland, Virgin Media, Sky Ireland, Vodafone and Three. This partnership allowed it to launch a free helpline number - 116 123.

    Since then, calls have jumped by 60% and the charity is now answering more than 1,600 calls every day.

    It noted that the risk of dying by suicide is five times higher among the poorest people in society when compared to the most affluent, so it believes that removing the barrier of cost has made a big difference to many people.

    "Everyone has moments in their life where they struggle to cope and for some this can lead to feeling hopeless and losing sight of being able to work through their problems. We know that talking can really help people to see a way through and we would encourage anyone who is struggling to call Samaritans," commented the charity's executive director, Catherine Brogan.

    The telecommunications industry has committed to continue its support for the helpline until 2019 and according to Ms Brogan, ‘this means we can focus on being there for people who need us and reducing suicide in Ireland'.

    The first branch of the Samaritans opened in the Republic of Ireland in 1970. A small group of volunteers with just one phone line in an office in Dublin answered around 1,000 calls in the first year. There are now over 1,500 volunteers working in 13 centres nationwide.

    Meanwhile, it also became free of charge to call the Samaritans in Northern Ireland last year. This means that anyone on the island of Ireland can call the charity for free on 116 123.

    For more information on Samaritans Ireland, click here


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