Dental cuts impacting teens


October 12, 2012

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  • Cuts by the HSE to public dental services are having a serious impact on the dental health of teenagers, the Irish Dental Association (IDA) has claimed.

    According to IDA representative, Dr Padraig Halvey, this is an issue of major concern as figures show that half of all 12-year-olds and three-quarters of all 15-years-olds have decay in their permanent teeth.

    Currently, the Public Dental Service deals with the dental health of children aged 16 and under and both children and adults with special needs. Some 350 public service dentists see more than 250,000 children every year. However these patients are now ‘falling through the gaps' of a service which is being ‘starved of resources', Dr Halvey insisted.

    "If a 14 year old presents at a clinic with a dental problem he or she will receive emergency treatment for that specific issue. However they might also require multiple fillings, but there is no possibility in most clinics that they will be recalled for that.

    "That reason for that is the lack of resources and the overwhelming workload public dentists face every day," Dr Halvey explained.

    He also noted that while some of these children may have medical cards, they are currently not entitled to be treated under the medical card scheme because patients have to be 16 to avail of this.

    Dr Halvey said these young people are left ‘in limbo' and potentially simple problems then become more complicated.

    "The failure to provide timely treatment and screening of simple problems or early onset of dental disease causes severe deterioration. This then requires complex remedial treatments such as crowns or implants, which the state services often cannot provide and many people cannot afford."

    Dr Halvey also pointed out that staff shortages have lead to longer waiting times in all areas, including orthodontics and primary school screenings.

    © Medmedia Publications/ 2012