Dentists warn of mouthwash cancer risk


August 10, 2011

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  • Dentists have warned that people should limit their use of mouthwashes containing alcohol due to a possible risk of developing oral cancer.

    Researchers said people who are in high-risk groups for oral cancer, such as smokers, should in particular limit their use of these mouthwashes.

    A research team from the Dublin Dental Hospital and St James's Hospital in Dublin have said due to the fact that a link has been established between alcohol consumption and developing oral cancer, it may therefore be prudent to limit the use of alcohol-containing mouthrinses.

    The authors, who looked at recent research into alcohol and oral cancer, say the evidence supporting the role of alcohol in the development of this type of cancer was convincing, and a large number of oral cancer cases could be linked to excessive drinking.

    They point out that the evidence of a direct link between mouthrinses and cancer was inconsistent, and a link between the use of alcohol-containing mouthrinses and the development of mouth cancer has not yet been firmly established.

    However, the researchers say considering what is known about the potential cancer-causing effects of alcohol on the mouth 'it may be prudent' to limit the use of alcohol-containing mouthwashes.

    The researchers said considering the continually increasing use of alcohol-containing mouthrinses, further research should be be conducted on the link between these products and the development of oral cancer.

    They add that in general, there is a need for increased public awareness campaigns to highlight the harmful effects of chronic heavy alcohol consumption

    The research is published in the latest Journal of the Irish Dental Association.

    Find out about oral cancer here.

    See also the Irish Cancer Society website.

    Mouth Cancer Awareness Day will be held on September 21. Find out more about it here


    © Medmedia Publications/ 2011