Experts to address cancer vaccine concerns


August 18, 2016

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  • Around 280 women in Ireland will be diagnosed with cervical cancer and some 90 will die from the disease in 2016, the Irish Cancer Society (ICS) has said.

    A further 6,500 women will need hospital treatment to remove pre-cancerous growths in their cervix, the society noted.

    It is holding two public talks later this month aimed at addressing concerns over the vaccine which aims to protect young girls from going on to develop cervical cancer.

    HPV (human papillomavirus ) is the main cause of cervical cancer. There are many types of HPV, most of which are harmless. However some strains can be serious, such as those that cause cervical cancer.

    A national HPV vaccination programme has been in place since 2010 and as part of this, all girls attending first year in secondary school are offered the vaccine free of charge.

    "There has been much media discussion about claims of effects of the HPV vaccine in some teenage girls, giving rise to significant safety fears among parents. However, there has been little discussion of the huge potential for this vaccine to help eliminate an important cause of cancer and the proven medical facts pertaining to the safety of this vaccine," the ICS said.

    It is concerned that parents do not appear to have enough information to fully understand the risks of HPV-associated cancers. As a result, it is holding two public talks in Cork and Galway this month in an attempt to give parents ‘a complete picture'.

    Speakers will include leading experts in this field, including Dr Michael O'Leary, a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist in Galway University Hospital and Dr Matt Hewitt, a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist in Cork University Maternity Hospital.

    "We are at a unique time in the battle to prevent cancer. For the first time, a simple injection holds the promise of bringing us close to the future elimination of a specific cause of cancer. Parents have been asking us whether they should vaccinate their children and why. This event will bring in the experts to help parents make a vital and informed choice for the health of their children and future generations," commented Dr Robert O'Connor, head of research at the ICS, who will act as a moderator at the talks.

    ‘Decoding Cancer - The HPV Vaccine: Warts and All' talks will take place in the Clayton Hotel, Ballybrit, Galway, on August 23 at 6.30pm and the Oriel House Hotel in Ballincollig, Cork, on August 24 at 6.30pm.


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