First double hand transplant in UK


July 22, 2016

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  • The first person in the UK to undergo a double hand transplant has said it is ‘better than a lottery win'.

    Chris King (57) from Doncaster in England is only the second person in the UK to have undergone a hand transplant and is the first to have undergone a double hand transplant.

    A team from Leeds General Infirmary, which included eight surgeons, spent 12 hours in the operating theatre working on Mr King. He lost both of his hands, except for his thumbs, at an accident in work three years ago.

    He had the operation a few days ago and has already experienced some movement in the new hands.

    He described them as ‘absolutely tremendous' and he said he cannot wait to get the bandages off to look at them properly.

    "I couldn't wish for anything better. It's better than a lottery win because you feel whole again. They're my hands. They really are my hands. My blood's going through them. My tendons are attached. They're mine. They really are," Mr King said.

    The surgical team was led by Prof Simon Kay.

    "This the first time as far as I'm aware that a hand transplant's been done which hasn't been above the wrist, which has been within the substance of the hand, which makes it much more difficult and more complex," he explained.

    A statement released on behalf of the donor's family stated that the donor ‘was a kind, caring and considerate person who would have given the shirt off his back to help somebody in need'.

    Mr King added that he is looking forward to being able to do simple things, such as gardening, cycling and holding a bottle of beer properly.


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