Flooding hit 40% of Letterkenny services


August 6, 2013

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  • Some 40% of services at Letterkenny General Hospital have been affected by recent flooding and it may be ‘several months' before the hospital returns to ‘pre-flood conditions', the HSE has said.

    The flooding on July 26 left the hospital severely damaged, including its newly opened block which houses the emergency department (ED).

    As a result, Letterkenny still cannot provide an emergency service, with all emergency admissions being diverted to Altnagelvin Hospital in Derry, South West Acute Hospital in Enniskillen and Sligo Regional Hospital.

    However, almost two-thirds of outpatient clinics are being provided onsite or in community facilities. And maternity, dialysis and chemotherapy services have not been affected. Laboratory services are also not affected.

    Limited paediatric services are being provided in cases where patients do not need radiology services.

    Endoscopy services resumed on July 31 and surgeries are being rescheduled, with some surgeries taking place in Galway University Hospital.

    The HSE reminded the public that visiting is still not permitted as ‘a clean zone is being established between the wings of the hospital'.

    "Once this is in place we will be able to allow limited visiting. In exceptional circumstances, visiting may be arranged by telephoning the ward manager in advance," it said.

    It added that while it will be ‘some time before we have all the information to determine when the hospital will return to pre-flood conditions, it is likely to be several months'.

    "However we are working to resume all services in the coming weeks."

    Following the flood, staff at the hospital were widely commended for their response to the adverse weather conditions on July 26.

    "The hospital's Major Emergency Plan was activated and it is to the credit of the hospital management team, the clinical staff and numerous volunteers that the disaster within the hospital was managed without adverse effects on patients," the Irish Association for Emergency Medicine said at the time.

    For more information, including updates on the resumption of services, call Letterkenny General's information line on (074) 9109 160 or click here


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