High number of doctors emigrating


August 29, 2014

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  • A new report has highlighted a rise last year in the number of young doctors emigrating from Ireland.

    The report from the Medical Council shows almost 1-in-10 (9.7%) doctors aged 25-29 years exited the practice of medicine in Ireland and there was an annual relative increase of 23% in the exit rate among graduates of Irish medical schools aged 25-29 (6.4% in 2012 to 7.9% in 2013).

    In addition, five per cent of 25-29 year old doctors on the medical register were practising outside of Ireland.

    The report shows that Ireland has a relatively young medical workforce, with just one-in-five (21.4%) doctors aged 55 or older, compared to an OECD average of one-in-three (32%) doctors aged 55 or older.

    However, some medical specialties, such as general practice and public health medicine have a higher proportion of older doctors, and this, according to the Council, will lead to future challenges in terms of manpower planning.

    The report also found that one in three doctors (34.3%) practising in Ireland qualified elsewhere, and this reliance on international medical graduates is among the highest in the OECD. Three-quarters (74.1%) of doctors working in non-consultant doctor posts who are not in training graduated outside of Ireland.

    The report also shows there has been a 12% relative increase in the number of women on the medical register since 2008, and now four-in- ten (41.3%) doctors on the register are women.

    There are significantly higher than average proportions of women practising in areas such as public health medicine, paediatrics and obstetrics & gynaecology.

    The Council says the scope for flexible or part-time working arrangements may be a driver in career choices, as women are twice as likely as men (20.5% vs 9.9%) to work part -time.

    Medical Council CEO Caroline Spillane said: "at a time of health system reform, it's essential that we continue to focus on developing and retaining doctors with the right mix of skills to meet the changing needs of patients and the health service."



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