HIQA publishes new discharge rules


August 1, 2013

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  • The health safety body HIQA has published new standard rules for use by all hospitals on what should be included in a patient's discharge information.

    Profr Jane Grimson, Director of Health Information with HIQA, said for patients, this new national standard has the potential to improve their safety as they transfer back to community healthcare after a hospital stay by ensuring all their relevant health information is available to their GP.

    "Unnecessary duplication of tests can also be reduced, along with delays in patients receiving appropriate treatment. This will also be helpful for GPs, as the patient's discharge information will be consistent, making for a smoother, safer transfer of care," she said.

    HIQA says an incomplete or delayed clinical discharge summary places the healthcare professional in primary care at a disadvantage, potentially reducing the quality and potentially also the safety of care received by the patient on their return to home or the community.

    It says discharge summaries should be prepared in advance of discharge and available for transmission to the GP or other primary healthcare professional on the day of the patient’s discharge.

    HIQA's template for a standard discharge summary includes clinically significant information on the patient's condition and treatment, operations, procedures and tests performed, medication details, patient allergies and a detailed description of the course of a patient's illness during a hospital stay.

    HIQA says in time, there may be increased use of electronic transmission of discharge summaries leading to a more timely and efficient transfer of patients’ information, ensuring that the primary care professionals have access to important clinical information at the time of discharge.

    The new standardised discharge guidelines have been forwarded to Health Minister James Reilly for approval.

    © Medmedia Publications/ 2013