HIQA updates elderly care standards


July 30, 2014

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  • The health safety body HIQA has drawn up new draft quality and safety standards for nursing homes and residential care settings for older people.

    The standards are intended to replace the current standards drawn up five years ago, and which are used as the template for the HIQA inspection system for nursing homes and older persons' care centres.

    The new draft standards, HIQA says, take into account feedback from service providers and residents living in these centres, as well as the latest research evidence on optimal care.

    The new standards cover areas such as service safety, food quality, privacy and dignity, and efficient governance of care centres.

    HIQA says he revised standards place a stronger focus on quality of life and a person-centred approach to care for all residents - including residents with dementia.

    "The standards provide a framework for providers for the continuous development of person-centred, safe and effective residential services."

    HIQA says the standards also provide people living in residential care and their families and/or representatives with a guide as to what they should expect from residential services.

    The safety body is seeking feedback on the new draft standards from residents and their families, interested groups, people working in care centres and the general public. Further details at

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