Interchangeable drugs list published


August 8, 2013

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  • A new list of interchangeable drugs has been published by the Irish Medicines Board.

    The initial list just published is part of Health Minister James Reilly's new legislation aimed at encouraging a greater level of generic prescribing and a promoting a cut in drug costs.

    The first list of interchangeable drugs published by the IMB comes under the heading atorvastatin, (lipid-lowering drug) products.

    Pharmacists can now offer patients an alternative, cheaper version of atorvastatin to the one named on a GP's prescription. Previously, pharmacists have had to dispense the specific drug version on a doctor's prescription.

    There are 96 atorvastatin products on the list.

    The IMB says it is reviewing a further 19 drug types for inclusion on the interchangeable list.  As each drug type is assessed, it will be added to the list and published on its website.

    The list will be implemented along with a reference pricing system for drugs, which is expected to be introduced later this year.

    Reference pricing involves the setting of a common reimbursement price, or reference price, under State schemes for a group of interchangeable medicines.

    This is the maximum price that the HSE will pay for products supplied to patients under the medical card and community drug schemes.

    According to the Department of Health, eligible patients will not face any additional costs for products priced at or below the reference price.

    However, if a patient wants to receive a particular brand that costs more than the reference price then the patient will have to pay the additional cost of that product.

    © Medmedia Publications/ 2013