Many still not aware of bowel cancer


April 13, 2015

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  • Most people are unaware of just how prevalent bowel cancer is, the HSE has said.

    Bowel cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in both men and women, with over 2,200 new diagnoses every year. While the disease is most commonly seen in people aged between 55 and 74, younger people can also be affected.

    In order to raise awareness of the disease, doctors in Kerry General Hospital (KGH) are holding a free information session in Tralee next week.

    "Bowel cancer is very common but unfortunately, most people are not aware of this type of cancer or, they are too embarrassed to talk about it. We are holding this information session to raise awareness of the condition because like all cancers, early diagnosis is vital. This is a very treatable form of cancer but it must be detected early," explained KGH surgeon, Mr Kevin Murray.

    A number of doctors with expertise in treating bowel cancer will attend the event and topics set to be discussed include signs and symptoms, what happens after diagnosis, colorectal screening and bowel cancer services at KGH.

    The Irish Cancer Society will also be attending the event and providing information.

    Commenting on the disease, clinical nurse specialist at KGH, Denise Thornton, noted that many people feel anxious or embarrassed if they are referred to the hospital for a check-up.

    "Typical comments that we hear from patients in the clinic include, ‘I was too embarrassed to see someone', ‘I thought it was just piles', ‘it's not something that's easy to talk about', ‘I should have come earlier'. However, they are quickly put at their ease by the team who are extremely professional and who have vast experience of this form of cancer," Ms Thornton insisted.

    Symptoms of bowel cancer can include changes in bowel habits and pain or bleeding from the back passage. Anyone with concerns should attend their GP, who can refer you them on to a specialist. KGH has a specialist clinic to rapidly treat people presenting with bowel cancer symptoms.

    The information session will take place on Monday, April 20, from 7pm to 9.30pm, in the Carlton Hotel in Tralee. Anyone interested in this topic can attend and the event is free of charge.


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