Men urged to check for cancer risks


June 11, 2014

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  • Men are being urged to learn more about the risk factors that can lead to them developing cancer.

    This week is Men's Health Week 2014

    The Irish Cancer Society and National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) at the HSE, to mark the week, are encouraging men to learn more about the risk factors for cancer and what they can do to protect their health.

    In particular they are highlighting melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer.

    NCCP Director Dr Susan O'Reilly said men should get to know their skin.

    "Check it every month for changes and speak to your doctor if you are concerned. Melanoma mainly, but not always, develops from a new mole or a change to an existing mole. The main changes to watch for in moles are changes in colour, shape and size. Most changes won't be a sign of something serious but catching it early and getting it treated as soon as possible could save your life," Dr O'Reilly said.

    Other significant facts about male cancers include:

    * Men have significantly higher incidence rates of colorectal (bowel), lung, bladder and stomach cancer, ranging from 1.6 to 3 times the rate of incidence in females.
    * Male survival is significantly lower than female survival for lung cancer.
    * Male risk of death from colorectal cancer increases over time, becoming significantly higher than the female risk of death after one year post-diagnosis.

    Rosemary Scott, Health Promotion Officer at the Irish Cancer Society said the message for older and younger men alike is get informed about risk factors of cancer, and what you can do to protect your health.

    "Know your body; look out for any unusual changes and take action. Early detection and treatment can greatly increase your chances of beating cancer."

    To mark Men's Health Week the Irish Cancer Society is launching its new Manual for Men. This manual invites men to learn more about cancer and to make the lifestyle changes necessary to reduce their risk and to spot it early.

    To get a free copy of the Manual for Men call the National Cancer helpline on Freefone 1800 200 700
    or download a copy here

    Find out more about the various types of cancer here

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