New resource for cancer patients from ICS


August 28, 2017

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  • An new medical need card for people who require urgent access to toilet facilities as a result of a cancer diagnosis and treatment, has been developed by the Irish Cancer Society (ICS).

    Some types of cancer and treatment can lead to side-effects affecting the bladder and bowel function. These effects can be hugely debilitating and have a major impact on a person's quality of life. Furthermore, people may be too embarrassed to talk about these problems.

    The aim of the wallet-sized card is to be a discrete form of communication for those who may be experiencing a problem and need to use a toilet urgently.

    "With this new resource, we aim to help people living with cancer to take back control of their lives. We know from anecdotal evidence that some people fear leaving their homes in case they cannot get to a toilet when they need to and are often fearful of ‘customers only' signs or long queues for public bathrooms," explained ICS cancer support manager, Joan Kelly.

    She noted that while the card does not guarantee access to toilet facilities, ‘carrying it can help stop someone feeling housebound following treatment for cancer'.

    The card was welcomed by the Continence Foundation of Ireland and the Irish Association of Urology Nurses (IAUN), which said that it will be notifying its members ‘so that they can inform patients of the card where appropriate'.

    The ICS is hoping that retail, food and beverage businesses across the country will accommodate anyone who presents the card, allowing them access to toilets that may otherwise be for customer or staff use only.

    To obtain a card, contact the ICS Cancer Nurseline on 1800 200 700 or one of the ICS's Daffodil Centres in 13 hospitals nationwide.

    For more information on the ICS, click here


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