New resources for people with type 2 diabetes

Source: IrishHealth.com

November 14, 2016

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  • A diagnosis of type 2 diabetes can be overwhelming, with many people having to overhaul their entire lifestyle. In response to this, Diabetes Ireland has launched a new comprehensive booklet and online educational programme aimed at helping people to live well with this condition.

    According to the national charity, many people who are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes have to make changes to their diet and physical activity levels, and may have to start taking new medications.

    It noted that the biggest risks are associated with people over the age of 40, but by this time, lifestyle habits are well established and can be very difficult to break.

    "Diabetes Ireland receives thousands of calls every year from people trying to understand the condition and take action to reduce the risk of future health complications. The complications from poorly managed and/or late diagnosis are sobering and real - blindness, limb amputations, stroke, heart disease and kidney disease," the charity said.

    The launch last year by the HSE of the type 2 diabetes ‘GP Cycle of Care' initiative highlighted the need for quality patient information to be made available in GP surgeries and health centres. Diabetes Ireland decided to try and fill this information gap by developing the booklet and online programme.

    As part of the GP Cycle of Care programme, people with medical cards or GP visit cards who have type 2 diabetes are entitled to a full structured review of their diabetes by their GP.

    Qualifying patients get two annual visits to their GP, a review and recording of blood results from initial registration, a review of their medication and lifestyle factors, a symptomatic foot review, continuing participation in the eye prevention programme, onward referral if appropriate, assessment of blood pressure, BMI, and further education about their diabetes.

    "With as many as 80,000 people with type 2 Diabetes eligible for the Cycle of Care initiative, Diabetes Ireland was determined that people with type 2 diabetes would have the relevant information at their fingertips whether as a booklet or online," explained Diabetes Ireland's health promotion and research manager, Dr Anna Clarke.

    The 50-page booklet covers all aspects of how to manage type 2 diabetes, including a checklist to prepare for a diabetes review, glucose targets, tips for managing health events such as hypos, information about medication, exercise recommendations and entitlements.

    Commenting on the booklet, Dr Tony O'Sullivan, a GP with type 1 diabetes who runs a busy diabetic clinic in Dublin, said that this resource ‘is very timely'.

    "There is no doubt that people who are well informed and understand the condition are less afraid of it and more likely to make the necessary lifestyle changes," he insisted.

    The booklet is now available in 1,300 GP surgeries nationwide and can be downloaded here.

    Meanwhile, Diabetes Ireland, working with Trinty College Dublin, has also launched Diabetes Smart, an online series of videos, quizzes and visual tools for people who want to learn more about healthy eating and exercise.

    "Many people want to learn at their own pace. Diabetes Smart allows people to dip in and out at their own pace thereby accumulating knowledge in bite-sizes, which will make the period of changing to a healthier lifestyle easier," Dr Clarke noted.

    Diabetes Smart can be accessed here.

    These resources were launched to mark World Diabetes Day (November 14). For more information on diabetes, click here.


    © Medmedia Publications/IrishHealth.com 2016