Oireachtas hearing begin on abortion law


May 17, 2013

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  • The Oireachtas Health Committee has begun three days of hearings on the planned abortion legislation.

    Health Minister James Reilly told the Committee that in emergencies, the opinion of one doctor would suffice and the medical practitioner who carries out the procedure would have to stand over their opinion.

    This, however, would not apply when the risk to life was linked to suicide.

    Irish Medical Organisation President Dr Matthew Sadlier told the Committee that while the official policy of the IMO was against abortion, it had an obligation to engage in debate about the legal framework being established under the new legislation.

    He said the IMO had some concerns about the abortion bill.

    Dr Sadlier told the Committee that when the IMO had debated abortion, the diversity of opinion that was seen in the wider community was mirrored closely among its members.

    He said the IMO had concerns relating to the need for clarity and protection for healthcare workers under the new law, and on the resourcing of services.

    He said where issues of morals were concerned, such as with abortion, the laws must provide adequate flexibility to ensure that an individual could abstain from engaging in an activity that they may deem in conscience to be immoral without jeopardising the right of the relevant patient to all the facilities and treatments which the law provided


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