One-in-three text while driving


September 20, 2013

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  • One in three people have admitted to texting while driving, a practice that is about to be specifically banned under new legislation.

    A new online poll has revealed that 34% of people admit to either occasionally or frequently texting on their mobile phone while driving.

    Participants in the poll were asked if they ever sent or read texts while they were driving.

    While 55% said they never texted while driving, 9% said they did so frequently while 25% said they did it occasionally.

    A further 11% said they would only text in an emergency when they were driving.

    A recent survey by the AA showed that almost 80% of motorists at least once a day witness someone using a hand-held mobile phone while driving. The same survey showed that 17% of motorists admitted to using their mobile phone (either to call or to text) while driving.

    Under the new Road Traffic Act which is to be introduced shootly, there will be a specific offence of texting while driving.

    Currently being caught holding a mobile phone while driving attracts two penalty points.

    Already, driving while holding a mobile phone attracts penalty points.

    View the poll results, and results of previous polls here

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