Online Wellness Workshop benefits many

Source: IrishHealth.com

July 23, 2015

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  • Over 90% of people who used an online workshop aimed at improving mental health, found it to be beneficial, new data has shown.

    The Wellness Workshop is run by Suicide or Survive (SOS), an Irish charity which works to break down the stigma associated with mental health issues and suicide.

    While SOS has been running Wellness Workshops for over five years, they only made them available online last October. The charity has now released data on people who have so far used this new online resources and according to these figures, 93% of users said they increased their knowledge and understanding of mental health.

    A further 88% said that they now feel they have the necessary skills to take better care of their own mental health.

    Many of the participants commented that the workshop reminded them that negative feelings and thoughts are a normal part of everyday life.

    They also commented on the easy accessibility of the programme, which they can use at their own convenience, and the fact that real life examples are used.

    "It's unlike any help I've had before. Having videos explaining the signs and symptoms of what you're experiencing makes it easier to understand as I find it quite difficult to explain myself. Also knowing that others have gone through what I am experiencing is comforting. It beats the stigma," one user commented.

    SOS chief executive, Caroline McGuigan, said that the charity is ‘delighted with the feedback' it has received.

    "Launched only eight months ago, it's heartening to see so much positive feedback already, and the insights gained will help us to improve our service based on people's needs," she commented.

    She explained that the idea for the workshops came from the belief that people can learn to stay well by using certain strategies and preventive measures.

    "The ultimate aim is that if all people are educated to look after their mental health, then when issues around hopelessness and negative thinking arise, they will have the skills to monitor and evaluate their own wellness and seek appropriate support. By bringing the workshop online we have made it more accessible to everyone, and in turn we hope to be able to improve the lives of many people across the country," Ms McGuigan added.

    The Wellness Workshops are available to everyone here


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