Participants needed for survey on harassment


September 10, 2018

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  • The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre (DRCC) is asking members of the public to take part in an online survey on sexual harassment.

    According to the centre, the survey is part of its research into what would improve people's capacity to report sexual harassment. It noted that the #MeToo movement, which began in October 2017, has acted as a trigger for disclosures of sexual harassment and abuse.

    "Through research, the DRCC is seeking to identify if there are better systems which could be used to name sexual harassment, complain about it if necessary and have more effective outcomes," it said.

    The survey asks people about their experiences of sexual harassment, if any. For those who have experienced it, it asks about barriers to disclosure and what helped people to disclose it if they did.

    "The aim of the questionnaire is to build a picture of survivor experience, which can then feed into research being undertaken by the centre, to identify if there are better ways in which those who encounter such harassment can disclose it and have those disclosures dealt with satisfactorily," the DRCC said.

    The survey will run throughout September and it can be accessed here.

    The Rape Crisis Centre's national 24-hour helpline is available on 1800 77 88 88.


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