People urged to remain active during pandemic


April 10, 2020

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  • Keeping active is important during the COVID-19 pandemic as it can help to maintain our physical health, while also reducing feelings of stress and anxiety, the Institute of Public Health has said.

    It is recommended that all adults should aim to undertake at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity five times a week, while children and teenagers should aim for at least 60 minutes per day across the week.

    This has become a challenge for some because of social distancing measures, as well as cocooning for those over the age of 70 and medically vulnerable groups.

    However, the institute said that there are still ways to keep active and "some activity is better than none".

    "The evidence shows that being more active keeps us healthy, improves our mood and wellbeing, and reduces stress and anxiety. There are a lot of things we can do at home to build exercise and movement into our day without leaving the house or needing expensive equipment," commented Dr Conor Cunningham of the institute.

    He noted that it is important to try and maintain a routine throughout the day, and "building physical activity into your day can help to anchor that routine".

    "But the most important message is for people to try to move more and make it a daily habit. Any amount of activity is better than none," he insisted.

    The institute suggests the following 10 ways to keep active at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. It urges people to find out what works for them:

    -Try to move more. Any amount of activity is better than none
    -Break up long periods of sitting with light activity. Try walking around the house, get up each time an advert comes on the TV, or walk up and down the stairs
    -Move to your favourite music.
    -Try to stand or move around the home during calls or while reading a book
    -Briskly walking or moving around the home or garden for 10 minutes two or three times a day, vacuuming or brushing floors, will get you moving
    -Try to do seated exercises, such as air punches or marching legs
    -Use a tin of beans or a jar of carrots as weights for upper body exercises
    -Build in strength exercises by doing push-ups against a wall, the kitchen counter or on the floor
    -Perform yoga or simple stretching to help maintain your flexibility. Deep breathing and mindfulness can also reduce anxiety
    -You are not alone. Join a virtual workout class or live movement session online. For older adults, organisations like Age & Opportunity and Siel Bleu are hosting virtual sessions on their Facebook pages.

    The Institute also reminds people that if they are engaging in activity outdoors, they should follow the guidelines on social distancing, including staying 2m away from others and not going further than 2km from their home.

    "If you are unwell or have COVID-19, please use your energy to get better and do not try to be active. If you develop a fever, cough or shortness of breath, stop physical activity and contact your GP or health professional," the institute added.

    For more information on the Institute of Public Health, click here.


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