Poor footwear worsens gout

Source: IrishHealth.com

October 5, 2011

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  • Wearing ill-fitting or inappropriate footwear can worsen the painful rheumatic condition gout, according to new research.

    Research from New Zealand has found that poor footwear is a significant contributor to the the level of pain and disability of those who suffer from the condition.

    "Prioritising comfort when choosing footwear is just one thing that can make a big difference to how people live with an inflammatory condition such as gout',  Arthritis Ireland said, commenting on the research.

    The research looked at 50 gout patients and found that almost one-in two wore footwear that was not recommended for gout sufferers, such as sandals, flip-flops, or boots. It was found that this type of footwear led to a high level of pain and disability.

    Gout is a form of arthritis where uric acid collects in the joints, causing much pain and swelling, usually in the feet.

    The researchers said: "many patients' shoes showed excessive wear, and we suggest that proper footwear selection be discussed with gout patients to reduce foot pain and impairment."

    The research was published in the journal Arthritis Care and Research.

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