Poor mental health in LGBT young

Source: IrishHealth.com

January 13, 2014

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  • Young people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) are much more likely to suffer with mental health problems such as depression and suicidal thoughts, a new survey has found.

    The ‘Youth Chances' survey was carried out on over 7,000 16-25-year-olds in the UK and published by the equality charity, METRO.

    According to its findings, over half of LGBT young people report some kind of mental health issue. At least four in 10 have sought help for depression or anxiety, while a similar number have considered suicide.

    Meanwhile, at least half of LGBT young people have self-harmed at some stage.

    The survey also found that discrimination against LGBT young people is common, with some people stating that they were bullied or isolated as a result of their sexual orientation.

    Many of those affected said that school was a particularly difficult time, while one in 10 had to leave home as a result.

    "We should all be deeply concerned about the crisis in LGBT young people's mental health and wellbeing that Youth Chances has uncovered. We have asked young people directly about their experiences and their responses should be a wake-up call that we can and must act on to ensure that LGBT young people are afforded the same life chances as their peers," commented METRO acting CEO, Dr Greg Ussher.

    For more information on depression, see our Depression Clinic here


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