Soccer may increase arthritis risk

Source: IrishHealth.com

November 15, 2011

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  • People have been encouraged to continue playing soccer and other sports despite new research which indicates an increased risk of developing arthritis from taking part in these sports.

    The American College of Rheumatology annual conference reported research which indicated that while exercise in general reduced people's risk of developing osteoarthritis, a number of sports, including soccer, long distance running and weightlifting, increased the risk.

    The researchers said sports which had a high degree of loading on the knee increased the risk of knee osteoarthritis.

    However, Arthritis Ireland says people should continue to play the sports they enjoy while taking precautions to avoid joint damage.

    It said injury and joint damage are major risks associated with many sports and injuries can develop into arthritis.

    However, according to Arthritis Ireland, people playing sports can limit their risks by taking precautions such as stretching properly and wearing and using appropriate protective equipment.

    The support group said another important paert of reducing the risk of arthritis from playing sports is taking decisive action and followng the RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) technique in the event of an injury.

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