Tea's popularity linked to toddler scald risk


July 28, 2011

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  • The traditional cup of tea remains one of the most popular drinks in Ireland. However, this may have a dangerous consequence for toddlers.

    According to new research, toddlers in Ireland and the UK are more likely to suffer a scald after pulling a hot cup of tea or coffee over themselves compared to toddlers in other countries.

    This appears to be directly linked to the higher consumption of these drinks here.

    "This phenomenon is related to the frequency and amount of tea we consume in these islands and raises the need for extra vigilance by adults who are drinking hot drinks around small children. One should never underestimate the ingenuity and agility of toddlers and young children in the kitchen," the Irish Association for Emergency Medicine (IAEM) said.

    It noted that such injuries are 'very common and often quite significant with deep burns to the face, chest and arms'.

    As a result of such injuries, a lot of children have to undergo multiple skin graft procedures.

    Meanwhile, the IAEM also warned that despite Ireland's changeable summer weather, people still come into emergency departments (EDs) every year with 'significant sunburn'. Many of these cases involve children.

    The association acknowledged the importance of sun exposure, as this is an important source of vitamin D, but it warned parents to be vigilant when it comes to children, especially toddlers.

    It recommended total sunblock creams (factor 50+) for babies and toddlers and suncreams with a factor of at least 20 for all other children.

    "While this advice is relevant to sun exposure in Ireland, it is even more pertinent to those Irish people who holiday in sunnier climates," the IAEM added.



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