Women invited to ovarian cancer seminar


April 21, 2015

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  • Women who are concerned about or affected by ovarian cancer are being invited to attend a seminar on the disease next month.

    Around 330 cases of ovarian cancer are diagnosed in Ireland every year, making it the sixth most common female cancer.

    It is sometimes referred to as a ‘silent disease' because in the early stages, symptoms can be vague or non-specific. As a result, it is often only diagnosed at a later stage, making treatment more difficult and reducing the chances of survival.

    Around 80% of cases occur in women over the age of 50.

    The seminar is being hosted by the Marie Keating Foundation and will take place on World Ovarian Cancer Day on May 8. It will look at a range of topics including risk factors, treatment options and the latest research.

    Speakers will include Dr N. Gleeson, a consultant gynaecological oncologist at St James's Hospital, Helen Craig, a clinical nurse specialist at St Vincent's University Hospital and ovarian cancer survivor, Anne Murphy.

    The seminar will take place on May 8 at House, 27 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2. While it is free of charge, registration is essential. To reserve a place, email


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