The role of breastmilk in body composition
Breastfed babies grow very differently to those who are formula fed and their body composition regulates over time. Alison Moore reports in the first of a new series on breastmilk research
July 31, 2019
We know that childhood obesity, rates of which are on the rise globally, predisposes us to obesity later in life. This, in turn, increases our risk of cardiovascular and metabolic disorders, but is there a silver bullet that can mitigate against this in the form of breastfeeding?
Prof Donna Geddes from the Faculty of Science at the University of Western Australia was one of the speakers at a recent international breastfeeding and lactation symposium hosted by Medela in London last month. Her paper was entitled ‘How fat is too fat? Development of body composition over the first year of life in breastfed infants’.
“The incredible thing about breastfeeding is that, despite our diets nowadays, the meta-analyses still show a 10-20% lowering of risk of obesity if you have been breastfed,” she said.
“More and more benefits of being breastfed are being documented in the literature. The diseases for which risk factors are reduced in children that are breastfed include cancers such as childhood leukaemia and lymphoma, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and endometrial cancer, as well as non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease and type 1 and 2 diabetes. The mechanisms by which these protective benefits are conferred to the baby are still elusive because of their complexity.”
The study of animal models has provided support for the idea that nutrition provided to babies very early in life impacts both obesity and metabolic programming and subsequently disease risk later in life, explained Prof Geddes.
“Constant signalling occurs between the mother and foetus during pregnancy which affects foetal growth and development. Breastmilk may be perceived as an extension of maternal signalling, modulating growth, development and programming in the first two years of life,” she said.
Prof Geddes said that while breastfed babies grow rapidly in the first six months they then slow down in the next six months, “so that period of exclusive breastfeeding is very different to formula feeding, and it is thought to be protective”.
“However, we have this hypothesis in the literature that rapid weight gain is bad. That it’s linked to obesity later on in life. But are breastfed children programmed to have better outcomes? So is it growth, or is it modulation of body composition?
“We have a severe lack of understanding of how that body composition develops through the first year of life,” she added.
Donna Geddes presenting at the symposium(click to enlarge)