Head lice season is here again


August 22, 2011

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  • Parents are being advised to check their children routinely for head lice each week once they return to school in September.

    According to pharmacists, one-in-10 children can suffer from head lice at any one time and the vast majority of lice infestations take place in children aged four to 16 years.

    Anne Marie Horan, a pharmacist in Terenure, Dublin, said parents should check their children's heads for lice and nits regularly by wet-combing the hair.

    "Parents who perform regular checks will find that the problem is manageable  In the long-run, screening saves time and distress to children, parents and other family members, who need to be treated if an infestation occurs," Ms Horan said.

    Parents are advised not to treat their childen with headlice products as a precautionary measure to try to protect them from getting lice at a later stage.

    Products used to treat head lice infestations do not prevent them from occurring and should only be used specifically to treat infestations when they happen.

    Pharmacists are also advising parenrs to check before they buy head lice treatments to ensure that their child is not allergic to specific products.

    © Medmedia Publications/ 2011